The City of Goleta has released a Draft Zoning Ordinance, draft Zoning and Overlay District maps, and supporting materials for public review and consideration. Outreach activities on the draft are underway and the public is invited to attend any or all of the workshops and open houses to provide feedback.
A Zoning Ordinance consists of written regulations and laws that define how property in specific geographic zones can be used. These ordinances specify whether zones can be used for residential or commercial purposes, and may also regulate lot size, placement, bulk (or density) and the height of structures. Zoning ordinances are lengthy documents describing not only the acceptable use for specified areas of land, but also the procedures for handling infractions (including any penalties), granting variances and hearing appeals.
When the City of Goleta was incorporated in 2002 it adopted the County of Santa Barbara’s Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map. In 2006 the City adopted the General Plan (GP)/Coastal Land Use Plan (GLUP). The new Zoning Ordinance is being prepared in order to reflect the new standards of and implement the GP/CLUP and provide continuity (where appropriate) with the present zoning code.
Upcoming Planning Commission Workshops:
Monday, February 8, 2016, 6:00 pm
Monday, February 22, 2016, 6:00 pm
Monday, March 14, 2016, 6:00 pm
Monday, March 21, 2016, 6:00 pm
Monday, April 11, 2016, 6:00 pm
Upcoming Open Houses:
Saturday, February 27, 2016, 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Thursday, April 7, 2016, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
All meetings will be held in City Council Chambers at 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117.
Land use in the City of Goleta is governed by the General Plan/Coastal Land Use Plan as well as the Zoning Ordinance. While the GP/CLUP sets the long-range policy for the City, the Zoning Ordinance implements the General Plan through the Zoning Map and regulations that define specific allowable uses, permit requirements, and development standards. California State law requires zoning to be consistent with the General Plan.
The proposed Zoning Ordinance includes regulations and development standards for each parcel of land in the City, and a Zoning Map. The Zoning Ordinance consists of six parts:
- Part I: General Provisions (Chapters 17.01 to 17.06): This portion contains introductory provisions, rules for the construction of language, rules of interpretation, and rules of measurement.
- Part II: Base Zoning Districts (Chapters 17.07 to 17.16): This portion specifies land use and development regulations for residential, commercial, office, industrial, public and quasi-public, open space and agricultural, and planned development districts.
- Part III: Overlay Districts (Chapters 17.17 to 17.24): This portion describes the airport environs, affordable housing, hospital, master plan, and old town heritage overlay districts.
- Part IV: Regulations Applying to Multiple Districts (Chapters 17.25 to 17.51): This portion contains regulations that apply to multiple districts, which are: general site regulations; coastal access; coastal zone visual resource preservation; density bonuses and other incentives; inclusionary housing program; demolition and relocation; environmentally sensitive habitat areas; floodplain management; hazards; historic resource preservation; landscaping; lighting; nonconforming uses, structures, and signs; oil and gas facilities; parking and loading; performance standards; signs; standards for specific uses and activities; telecommunications facilities; tree protection; and wind energy conversion systems.
- Part V: Administration and Permits (Chapters 17.52 to 17.69): This portion specifies planning authorities, common procedures, zoning clearance, use permits, design review, variances, coastal development permits, modifications, reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities, and development agreements. It also describes the process of amendments, including amendments to zoning regulations and the Zoning Map, amendments to the General Plan, and amendments to the Local Coastal Program.
- Part VI: General Terms (Chapters 17.70 to 17.71): This portion contains use classifications and a list of terms and definitions.
For questions or comments, please contact Anne Wells, Advance Planning Manager at awells@cityofgoleta.org or 961-7500, or visit www.GoletaZoning.com for more information and to access project documents.