The City of Goleta wants you to share what makes you “Go Goleta”. A new photography exhibit with this theme will be on display in the City Council Chambers at 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, this summer.
Amateur and professional photographers are invited to submit up to three photographs showcasing why a visitor would want to visit the Good Land. For consideration in the “Go Goleta” exhibit, please submit your artwork by Friday, May 20. Artists whose work is chosen to appear in the City Council Chambers will be notified by May 31.
Submissions for “Go Goleta” should be emailed to jshaw@cityofgoleta.org. You will receive an email confirmation after your images(s) have been received. If you do not receive a confirmation within 48 business hours please resubmit. All images must be in jpeg format and at least 300dpi for high-resolution printing. The City will print selected photos at various sizes up to 16”x20.” Photos may be cropped to fit the printed size.
COPYRIGHT: In submitting photography for this contest, artists retain ownership of and copyright to their pictures. However, in entering this contest, artist acknowledges the City of Goleta may use the photography in its online and print publications.
Please submit the following information with your photograph.
- Contact information (photographer name, phone number, email address)
- Title of submission
- A few sentences about why the piece represents “Go Goleta”