A new walkway has been created to connect the Goleta Library overflow parking lot to the main Library parking lot. The new connection will be located at the east end of the two parking lots and eliminates the steps that previously connected these two areas. The new walkway will be more convenient and safer for Library users of all ages.
The baseball field/lawn at Stow Grove Park has been graded and reseeded. The gophers had done quite a bit of damage making the field unusable. Temporary fencing protecting the field will remain in place until it is ready for public use, which could take two to three months.
With the recent rains our Public Works Crews have been out and around town fixing potholes and clearing up debris. If you see something that needs repair, please report it using our City Assist. http://www.cityofgoleta.org/i-want-to/problems-and-concerns/city-assist
In the next month or two, expect roadwork on Los Carneros Road between 101 and Hollister Avenue as the contractor for the Villages at Los Carneros Project makes the median improvements associated with the project and constructs the turn lanes for the last leg of the Los Carneros/Calle Koral intersection. In addition, you will see work on Glen Annie/Storke as the Southbound 101 on ramp improvements are built (weather permitting). These projects will be staggered to minimize the impact to the public. Text Goleta Roads to 468311 to subscribe to alerts or visit https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAGOLETA/subscriber/new to register for email notifications on a variety of topics.