The City’s six week city-wide LED streetlight installation is nearly complete! Approximately 1,300 LED streetlights out of the total of 1,430 have been installed. As part of the City’s LED Street Lighting Project, LED lights have been installed throughout most residential neighborhoods, and the contractor is now working on installing lights in high traffic areas. The City anticipates this project will be finished by mid-October.
City of Goleta Public Works Department Project Manager, Michael Winnewisser, said, “The long-awaited LED Street Lighting Project is ahead of schedule, and we hope that the residents are pleased with the outcome. Installing LED lights is one more way the City is focused on sustainability and we thank everyone for their patience as this project wraps up in the next couple of weeks.”
The City is replacing 1,430 streetlight fixtures throughout Goleta with new energy efficient LED streetlights. The project is expected to save Goleta more than 345,000 kilowatt hours and approximately $115,000 annually after the project is implemented. In addition to saving the City money, the new lights will require less maintenance and provide clearer lighting.
You can learn more about the project at www.CityofGoleta.org/LEDStreetlights where you can also find a map of the project replacement locations. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Project Manager Michael Winnewisser at (805) 690-5120 or mwinnewisser@cityofgoleta.org.
For more information on this project, watch our video featuring Public Works staff. The video is available in English and Spanish.
The LED Street Lighting Project took root in 2017. After long negotiations with Southern California Edison, in 2020 the City acquired the streetlights and began looking into different LED options for our community. In January 2021, the City conducted a pilot study to get community input. Based on feedback from the pilot study, Green Committee, and Virtual Town Hall, the City selected GE fixtures that are 2700K color temperature streetlights. On July 20, 2021, Goleta City Council approved the replacements and the fixtures were ordered the next day.
Pictured below: New LED lights being installed throughout Goleta