In an effort to increase affordable housing in Goleta, the City applied for, and was awarded, $160,000 under the Senate Bill 2 (SB 2) Planning Grants Program. The State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is authorized to provide up to $123 million under SB 2 Planning Grants Program (PGP) from the Building Homes and Jobs Trust Fund for assistance to counties and cities.
The Planning Grants Program reflects the state’s commitment to work in partnership with local governments to address California’s critical housing needs. Local governments are using the grant awards to accelerate housing production by streamlining the approval of affordable housing and promoting development consistent with the state’s planning priorities, among other related activities.
The grant funds provide an excellent opportunity for the City to implement the General Plan Housing Element affordable housing policy. Funding the development of affordable housing is a challenge in high land value communities such as Goleta. Utilizing grant funds to support the production of affordable housing is a critical step towards meeting the need.