The City of Goleta has put together a page on our website dedicated to COVID-19 information and resources (local and national): www.cityofgoleta.org/covid19. The page is being kept updated as new resources and information become available. On the webpage you can find out about City services and closures, as well as updates from other local agencies including MTD, Southern California Edison (SCE), SoCalGas, Cox Communications, and MarBorg. There are also resources for businesses and employees.
Stay Connected to Information:
- County Public Health (PHD): PublicHealthSBC.org, Twitter and Facebook
- County of Santa Barbara: CountyofSB.org, Twitter, Facebook
- County Information Line: (833) 688-5551, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- 2-1-1 Call Center: Dial 211 or outside the area, call (800) 400-1572 (Also 22 Senior Food Delivery Service)
- PHD Recorded Information Line: (805) 681-4373
- Behavioral Wellness 24/7 Access Line: (888) 868-1649
- Community Wellness Team: (805) 364-2750
- Economic Recovery: ReadySBC.org; COVIDbiz@countyofsb.org