Even though City Hall physically may be closed, it’s important to know that City staff are still working remotely and are committed to continuing to provide exceptional service to our residents and businesses.
- Staff are available by e-mail or phone. Desk Reception is open during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday) by calling 805-961-7500. Messages will be forwarded to the appropriate departments.
- Any service requests from the public can be made by using our City Assist System. We monitor this system Monday-Friday during regular business hours.
- The Goleta Valley and Santa Ynez Valley Libraries are CLOSED. This includes the book drop; the due date for all checked out items is May 4. There will be no overdue fees for any items during this time period. Community members are encouraged to go to www.GoletaValleyLibrary.org for ways to keep busy at home for all ages, and to take advantage of free online resources and e-materials, such as e-books, audio books, and movies.
- The Planning and Building Counter is CLOSED for in-person consultations, but the public can communicate with staff via email or phone. The City can only accept and process materials electronically.
- For Planning & Environmental Review, please call (805) 961-7543 or email cwalshbeck@cityofgoleta.org
- For Building & Safety Permits, please call (805) 961-7552 or email buildinggroup@cityofgoleta.org
- The City is now doing virtual inspections where possible.
- Public Works is conducting inspections on private development projects related to health and safety.
- All other inspections typically performed by Building, Planning, and Public Works are temporarily suspended.
- The Finance Department has suspended counter service but is accepting e-mail submissions for items such as business applications.
- The Goleta Community Center is CLOSED to programming with the exception of food distribution.
- Stow Grove Park reservations are cancelled with no new reservations through April 30th.
- Special Event Permits issued for the months of March and April are being cancelled and no new permits are being issued through April 30th.