Goleta residents are doing a great job responding to the Census. More than half of all Goleta households (57.1%) have filled out their Census. As of April 11, our self-response rate is higher than the California average of 47.8%, and the national average of 47.5%. However, in order to get our fair share of federal funds for the next 10 years we need 100% participation.
Please help Make Goleta Count and fill out your census, it’s easier than ever before and only takes a few minutes to complete. For the first time, the census is available online at My2020Census.gov.
Please watch and share our Make Goleta Count video.
City of Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte said, “I am so proud of our community for Making Goleta Count! In these uncertain times, it may not feel like there is much we can do, but completing your census will make a difference. Census funding includes vital services such as public health, and for the foreseeable future, it is likely that Federal, and State governments will be distributing emergency funding in proportion to our population.”
The census creates jobs, helps plan for the future, and supports public safety and emergency preparedness. The following items are at stake for Goleta if there is an undercount in the 2020 census:
- Loss of revenue for TEN years
- Federal funding for Community Development Block Grants
- Library funding
- Gas tax related revenue for road repairs
- Special funding based on population
- District election boundaries
Community members should have received an invitation in the mail from the U.S. Census with instructions to complete their census online at My2020Census.gov, over the phone, or by mail. Anyone who does not respond will have a paper questionnaire mailed to them this week.
Please remember when filling out your Census to count everyone in your household even if they are not family members. It’s important to know that the 2020 Census is confidential and your personal information, by law, can’t be shared.
The City of Goleta is proud to be a part of the Complete Count Committee which is working together to make sure EVERYONE counts in Santa Barbara County. Learn more about the 2020 Census on the City’s census webpage and on Santa Barbara County’s census website. Information in Spanish is also available on the City website and Santa Barbara County website.
Let’s go Goleta! Let’s continue to see our self-response rates climb. We will continue to keep you updated on how Goleta is doing. We appreciate your help in encouraging your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues to Make Goleta Count in the 2020 Census.