SCE will be continuing critical work for Public Safety Power Shutoffs during the Stay at Home Order and outages may impact Goleta residents and businesses. SCE will notify impacted residents 7 to 10 days in advance of a scheduled outage. Learn more here.
The City of Goleta has been selected by the California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) to receive funding through its Public Safety Power Shutoffs Resiliency Grant Program. The City will receive $100,945 which will support efforts across multiple departments including Neighborhood Services & Public Safety, Public Works, and Planning and Environmental Review. The funds will be used for: the hook-up of the City’s generator to the second floor of City Hall; traffic signal backup battery systems for City roads; and consulting costs to determine the viability of solar power and battery energy storage at City facilities.
Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) are a relatively new idea first introduced in the summer of 2019 by utility companies to be able to shut off power when high risk weather could start a wildfire. PSPS have the potential to lead to multi-day power outages in areas during periods of extremely hot, dry, and/or windy weather. A PSPS outage will last as long as the potentially dangerous weather conditions exist, plus the amount of time it takes for power company workers to inspect and repair their equipment in the affected area(s). Learn more Public Safety Power Shutoffs and how you can prepare here.