The City of Goleta is pleased to announce that we received two Awards of Merit from the California American Planning Association’s (APA) Central Coast Section. One Award of Merit is for the Goleta Train Depot Station Area Master Plan, and the Goleta’s Park, Facilities, and Playgrounds Master Plan.
The Goleta Train Depot Master Plan was given the award for the City’s commitment to the continued development of the train depot in regard to climate change, low income-communities, and the enhanced economic impacts. The selection committee added that the Train Depot Master Plan is a helpful document in setting forth the guidelines and policies that will determine the future design of the Goleta Train Depot. Learn more about this project here: https://tinyurl.com/GoletaTrainDepot.
The Park, Facilities, and Playgrounds Master Plan earned the Award of Merit as a good example of how to develop a population-based park level of service while considering equitable distribution and universal access to parks for all transportation modes. The selection committee was impressed with the plan being well structured, easy to understand, and containing strong pictures and illustrations. In addition, the City and consultant’s community outreach, including pop-up outreach efforts, was strong. The draft Parks, Facilities, and Playgrounds Master plan here is available here.