The City of Goleta is getting closer to replacing more than 1,300 High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) streetlight fixtures throughout Goleta with new energy efficient LED streetlights. The new lights will save the City money, require less maintenance, provide clearer lighting and are better for the environment. The project is expected to save Goleta over 345,000 kilowatt hours and approximately $115,000 in energy costs in the first year after the project is implemented.
In 2020 the City acquired the streetlights from Southern California Edison and began looking into different LED options for our community. In January 2021, we held a Pilot Study to get community input. Based on feedback, the City has selected GE fixtures that are 2700K color temperature streetlights. The wattage of the LED fixtures will vary depending on the road type of the light’s location: arterials, collectors, and residential streets will all vary in brightness. The busier streets will have higher energy, and thus brighter lights.
We know there are a lot of questions about this project and encourage you to look at the newly updated Frequently Asked Questions on our LED Streetlight webpage: http://cityofgoleta.org/LEDStreetlights. Stay tuned for information about a virtual Town Hall as well as a video sharing more information on this project.
The next City council meeting on the LED streetlight project is anticipated to be June 15, 2021, and staff will be recommending City Council approve the final plans and initiate the streetlight conversion work. If approved, installation will begin in the fall. Public comment is welcome. The agenda will be available in advance at https://cityofgoleta.org/goletameetings.
Pictured: Deputy Public Works Director James Campero and Assistant Engineer Michael Winnewisser filming our LED streetlight video