The City of Goleta is pleased to announce that the Old Town Sidewalk Improvement Project is complete. Residents of Old Town are enjoying the newly finished sidewalks in their neighborhood. The contractor concluded the remaining infill work prior to the Thanksgiving holiday, enabling the community to stroll around the neighborhood on continuous sidewalks with access ramps at the intersections. The project was substantially finished months ahead of schedule and under budget as well. The City and City’s construction management team, Filippin Engineering, worked diligently engaging the utilities – Southern California Edison (SCE), Frontier Communications, and Cox Communications – to relocate their facilities in a timely manner. As soon as they were done, the contractor was able to complete the remaining sidewalk voids that were left for utility work.
“We are excited to see and hear all the positive comments and enthusiasm from the residents,” City of Goleta Senior Project Engineer James Winslow said. “They immediately began using the new sidewalks, access ramps, additional parking, and roadway improvements as soon as they were finished. The Public Works Department is grateful for resident’s initial input during the design phase and their continued patience during construction activities. This project would not have succeeded without the community’s help.
The City constructed sidewalks on at least one side of each street north of Hollister Avenue between South Fairview Avenue and Mallard Avenue as well as on Pine Avenue south of Hollister Avenue. The new sidewalks connect to existing sidewalks and provide a continuous path of travel. Other added improvements include drainage enhancements, tree replacements, repaving, and the construction of 39 back-in angled parking spots on Magnolia Avenue. Watch this video to learn more about the project.
The Public Works Department secured an Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant in the amount of $2.224 million for design and construction. Additional funding came from Measure A (a local transportation sales tax), Goleta Transportation Improvement Program (GTIP), and the General Fund. The City awarded the construction to Toro Enterprises and selected Filippin Engineers to provide the construction management services.
The City is looking for a way to celebrate the completion of this project virtually with the community. Stay tuned for details.
Additional project information and photos can be found on our City website at https://tinyurl.com/GoletaOTSW.