The Council recently established a Parks & Recreation Commission and a Tree Advisory Commission. The City is looking for Goleta residents willing to serve the community on one of these boards.
The Parks and Recreation Commission will be comprised of seven members serving four-year terms. One of the seven members will be a student member (15 years or older) who will serve a one-year term. Six meetings will be held annually and members will receive compensation of $50/meeting. Since Goleta does not currently have any recreational programming, the primary charge of the new Commission will be to develop a Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan and help the Council set goals, policies and priorities for future actions.
The Tree Advisory Commission will be comprised of five volunteers who are appointed by individual council members. Members of the Public Tree Advisory Commission should have an interest in and/or experience in urban forestry or landscaping. Each Commissioner’s term will be equal to that of the Councilmember that nominated the Commissioner. This Commission will advise the Council, City staff and the City Arborist in developing plans and goals for the Goleta Urban Forest, represent the interests of the community, work to resolve conflicts between community members and urban forestry policy and inform the community of the Urban Forestry program. Meetings will be held on an as-needed basis.
For more information on these opportunities to serve, contact Deborah Constantino, City Clerk,at dconstantino@cityofgoleta.org or 961-7505.