September is National Preparedness Month and this year’s theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disaster is protecting everyone you love.”! It’s the best time of year to sign up for emergency alerts, double check family plans, and create a Go-Bag for your garage, car, or closet.
Helping our community stay safe is the City of Goleta’s top priority. The City is working to maintain essential services and prepare for future wildfires and other natural disasters with limited resources. As we plan to meet future needs, we want to ensure our community is prepared now in the event of a disaster. Here are some important tips we want to share with you:
First, be sure you are signed up for local emergency alerts with both Santa Barbara County (www.ReadySBC.org) and City of Goleta (http://tinyurl.com/goletaemergency).
Second, think about gathering supplies that will last for several days after a disaster. Make sure you have enough for everyone living in your home and don’t forget to consider the unique needs of each person or pet. Think about dietary restrictions, prescription medications, important documents and pictures! Create a Go-Bag, a bag meant to be stored away somewhere safe but can be accessed at a moment’s notice. Learn how to build a kit at www.Ready.gov/kit.
Next, start the new school year by talking to your kids about emergencies that could happen at home and away. Talk about meeting spots in case you are separated, and make games to help them memorize family phone numbers. Resources for kids, teens, and the whole family are available at www.Ready.gov/kids.
City of Goleta’s Emergency Services Coordinator, Michael Baris, adds, “National Preparedness Month is a great time to have a quick five minute conversation with your family and neighbors. Set yourself up for success in an emergency by preparing now. Locate and find your valuable documents and make sure they are in a safe place. Talk about who will update your extended family about the situation. Grab an old bag and put old-but-good shoes and clothes inside. These small things will go a long way towards making life easier in the craziness of a disaster.”
Learn more about National Preparedness Month, and how to make sure you and your family are prepared, at https://www.ready.gov/september.