Submission Deadline November 18th and Design Review Board Hearing December 10th
The City of Goleta is accepting submissions from design professionals for Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) plans to be considered for preapproval. This is in accordance with Assembly Bill No. 1332 which requires each local agency to develop a program for the preapproval of ADU plans by January 1, 2025.
An ADU is an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit that provides complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons and is located on a lot with a proposed or existing primary residence. ADUs include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as a single-unit or multi-family dwelling.
At this time, the City is accepting plans for detached ADUs that meet size and height restrictions per Goleta Municipal Code (GMC) §17.41.030(D)(1)(b) to be preapproved. The detached plans will need to be between 250 and 800 square feet in floor area and the height can be no greater than 16’ or up to 18’ or 20’, if located within one half-mile walking distance of a major transit stop or a high-quality transit corridor.
Design professionals interested in submitting detached ADU plans for consideration should submit one PDF with floor plans, elevations, and square footage meeting the City’s “Floor Area” definition per GMC §17.03.070, and indicating the maximum building height to scale on the plans. Plans will be accepted via email. Please send plans to: PreapprovedADU@cityofgoleta.org.
Submissions will be accepted until November 18th at noon. There are two fees for design professionals seeking preapproval. The first is for Design Review, which is $1,734. The second fee will be for Building Plan review, which is based on valuation of the project including the market rate for labor and materials.
City of Goleta’s Design Review Board (DRB) will hold a hearing on December 10, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. to review submissions of ADU plans for inclusion in the City’s Preapproved ADU Program. The meeting will be held in person at Goleta City Hall Council Chambers (130 Cremona Drive) and via the Zoom platform. A link can be found in the agenda, posted at least 72 hours in advance at http://cityofgoleta.org/goletameetings. The public may also view the meeting on the City’s website or Goleta TV Channel 19.
For community members interested in using one of the preapproved ADU plans, once available, this program allows proposed ADUs to move through the review process quickly and efficiently. The preapproved plans will be made available to view on the Planning and Environmental Review webpage, once approved. Site-specific information will be required for each location and homeowners will have to contact the design professional for costs associated with the use of the preapproved plans and the preparation of the required site plan and other documents (e.g., soils reports, etc.) and building permitting.
Following the Design Review Board hearing on December 10, 2024, the approved ADU plans will then move on to Building Permit plan review to ensure the plans meet the current triennial Building Standard Code rulemaking cycle. The preapproved ADU plans will be available on the Planning and Environmental Review page on the City’s website (www.CityofGoleta.org).
Please direct any questions and/or comments to Kathy Allen, Supervising Senior Planner, at kallen@cityofgoleta.org or Christina McGuire, Associate Planner, at cmcguire@cityofgoleta.org.