Old Town Businesses along Goleta Holiday Parade Route Encouraged to Participate
The City of Goleta is pleased to announce the return of the Old Town Goleta Holiday Parade Window Decorating Contest! The aim of the contest is to help create a merry and bright route for the 2024 Goleta Holiday Parade happening Saturday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. Now with the addition of the Shooting Star Light Post displays along Hollister Avenue that are going on for the first time on November 7, 2024, the window decorations are going to help make Old Town a magical place to be this holiday season.
Last year, more than 20 business participated in the first-ever window decorating contest with Goleta Bakery taking home the top prize and Paperback Alley and GoodLand BBQ receiving Honorable Mentions. This year, we hope to have even more businesses participate. Who will the winner(s) be this year?
Here’s how it works:
- If you are on the parade route, on Hollister Avenue from Orange to Kinman you are encouraged to decorate your storefront window in time for the Goleta Holiday Parade on December 7th at 6:00 p.m.
- Keep it family-friendly! Be creative, festive, and have fun!
- Please remember the City’s Plastic-Free Ordinance and refrain from the use of Mylar balloons.
- Decorated windows should be viewable from the sidewalk but must not obstruct the sidewalk and/or pedestrian right of way.
- A panel of judges (TBD) will view the windows at the event and a winner will be announced on Monday, December 9th.
All participating business will be featured on the City’s social media pages (@CityofGoleta).
Whether you are decorating a window or participating or attending the Parade, thanks for helping to bring joy to Goleta this holiday season.