Planning Commission to Consider Housing Element on May 9
As part of the City’s Housing Element Update project, the City of Goleta has released the Draft Housing Element (2023-2031) for public review. The Housing Element includes the following major components: an evaluation of housing needs in Goleta, with emphasis on the needs of lower-income households and persons with special needs; analysis of resources and constraints related to addressing housing needs; assessment of fair housing; review of the City’s progress related to the programs and objectives set forth in the previous (2015-2023) Housing Element; and updated policies, programs and objectives for the next 8 years. The document, including the accompanying Technical Appendix, can be viewed here: https://tinyurl.com/39v7wu2h.
The City’s Planning Commission will consider the Draft Housing Element at the upcoming Planning Commission meeting on Monday, May 9, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. This meeting will be held in a hybrid format both in-person in Council Chambers at City Hall (130 Cremona Drive) and virtually. Spanish interpretation will be available through the virtual meeting link.
The primary purposes of this public meeting are to allow the Planning Commission and members of the public to review the Draft Housing Element and provide additional comments to staff regarding any changes to the document that may be appropriate and to recommend to City Council submittal of the Draft Housing Element to the State for a 90-day review. A second Planning Commission meeting is tentatively scheduled for May 23, 2022, to continue review of the Draft Housing Element in the event Commissioners require additional time for review.
The agenda for this meeting will be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at www.CityofGoleta.org/GoletaMeetings. A link to participate will be available in the agenda.
For more information on the City’s Housing Element Update, go to https://cityofgoleta.org/HousingElement. If you have any questions or concerns, please email HousingElement@cityofgoleta.org.