Successful Induction Cooking Demo

Local clean energy provider 3C-REN teamed up with Southern California Edison and the City of Goleta for an induction cooking demonstration at Goleta Valley Library (GVL) on Friday March 17th. The event was the first of two demonstrations that weekend, the second taking place at Carpinteria Community Library on Saturday March 18th. Attendance was high at the hour-long event. Representatives from Goleta’s Sustainability division were present to oversee the demonstration, and to promote the City’s upcoming reach code and plastic policies.

The demonstration was led by Oliver Ta and Brian Choi from SoCal Edison, who presented information on the many merits of induction cooktops, from safety features to energy savings. For example, induction cooktops will only transfer heat to iron pans, and will turn off if no pan is detected. Many induction cooktops come with timing features and can keep a pan at a consistent temperature to avoid burning or getting too hot. 

The demonstration was facilitated by Serena Gu, CivicSpark Fellow for the County of Santa Barbara, who organized the event.

Induction cooktops and 3C-REN’s DIY Home Energy Savings Toolkit are available to check out from GVL’s Library of Things.