Be a part of the City’s first ever Beautify Goleta Self-Guided Cleanup Month. For the entire month of February, you are encouraged to pick up litter during a time most convenient to you at a location of your choosing (except private property unless permitted by owner). Once you are done, you will report what you collected to the City using an online form. You will then be entered into a prize drawing based on the categories below:
- Grand Prize Drawing with all participants (3 Winners)
- Prize for picking up the most trash by weight (1 Winner)
- Prize for the most number of cleanups throughout the month (1 Winner)
All winners will be announced on Monday, March 4th by 5:00 p.m.
Before your cleanup, please review our Self-Guided Cleanup Cheat Sheet, our Cleanup Safety Guidance, and our list of Helpful Contacts.
After your cleanup, the City encourages participants to report results using an online form, which can also be found at www.cityofgoleta.org/BeautifyGoleta.
- If you do not use the online form, cleanup results can be emailed to EnvironmentalServices@cityofgoleta.org.
Need Equipment? The City has trash grabbers, gloves, trash bags, and buckets that can be checked out for free. Email us at EnvironmentalServices@cityofgoleta.org to schedule a pickup time or if you have any questions/feedback.
Mark your calendar for the next Community-Wide Beautify Goleta Cleanup on Saturday, March 16, 2024, spotlighting Old Town Goleta. We are looking for Team Captains to lead cleanup locations for all events in 2024. For more information go to www.CityofGoleta.org/BeautifyGoleta or sign up here today!