The City of Goleta is excited to finally be getting closer to delivering projects that have been in the planning development stage for many years. The Ekwill Street & Fowler Road Extensions and Hollister Avenue Bridge Relocation Projects when completed will provide new east west access across Goleta Old Town, two roundabouts on Hollister Avenue at the interchange with State Route 217, and complete flood control capacity and fish-passage improvements in the San Jose Creek Channel.
In preparation of the multi-faceted project, Goleta Water District will begin utility relocation work to move facilities that are in conflict with the future City capital improvement projects. Construction work is scheduled to begin the second week of January and continue through the end of March 2023. Work will take place on S. Fairview Avenue, the future Ekwill Street, South Street (future Fowler Road), School Bus Lane, Hollister Avenue and Dearborn Place. There will be traffic impacts on Hollister Avenue between State Route 217 and S. Kellogg Avenue for approximately four weeks beginning January 9, 2023. Alternating eastbound and westbound lane closures will be necessary to facilitate the relocation work. Construction work will take place between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Motorists are reminded to please drive cautiously through the work zones and are encouraged to use alternate routes if possible.
Learn more about these projects on the City website. For the Ekwill Street and Fowler Road Extensions Project click here, and for the Hollister Avenue Bridge Project click here. For questions on the upcoming utility work, please contact Tierra Contracting Inc. at 805-964-8747.
Relocation Map