The Goleta City Council and community members now have a better understanding of upcoming Santa Barbara Airport projects and how the airport plans to address aircraft noise complaints. There was a great turnout for a Special Goleta City Council Meeting with the Santa Barbara Airport on Wednesday, December 7. It was a great opportunity for the Council and community members to hear about plans to expand the terminal, the parking structure project, the Southfield redevelopment project, and an update to the 2017 Master Plan. In addition to the updates, community members packed the room to hear about the Airport’s aircraft noise program.
The conversation was led by new Airport Director, Christ Hastert and 20 people signed up to speak and provide feedback to the Council and Airport staff.
Mayor Perotte and Councilmembers inquired as to what real solutions can be applied to the noise problem and respond to community concerns. Some of the requests made to the Airport include:
- Add a Goleta City Council-appointed voting member to the Airport Commission.
- Develop and implement a concrete plan addressing noise complaints.
- Inform the Goleta City Council and public about progress.
- Incentivize airline flight path compliance.
- Get all 4 airlines serving SBA on a proprietary approach (now only 3).
- Address noise issues and compliance at the time SBA negotiates with new airlines.
- Discourage flying older, louder planes early in the morning.
- Gathering data on particulate emissions.
- SBA should prepare a document that outlines plan and show actions being taken.
- Make sure all decisionmakers are in the room. Consider a Joint City of Goleta and City of SB Council meeting.
Hastert recently moved his family to the area and is happy to call Goleta home. We appreciate the Santa Barbara Airport’s willingness to listen and be attentive to Goleta’s needs. We look forward to future collaboration and partnership with SBA.
If you missed it, you can watch the meeting here.
Airport Director, Christ Hastert
Airport Meeting December 7, 2022