The City of Goleta is pleased that City Hall (130 Cremona Drive, Suite B) will be a meeting spot for volunteers to meet to participate in the Point-in-Time (PIT Count) on Wednesday, January 25th between 5:30am and 8:30am. The purpose of the PIT Count is to obtain a snapshot census of people experiencing homelessness in Santa Barbara County on a single night. The 2023 Unsheltered Count includes people who, on the night of the count, are:
- Sheltered (living in emergency shelters or transitional housing) or
- Unsheltered (staying outdoors or places not designed for habitation including vehicles, streets, parks and abandoned buildings)
The PIT Count is an essential element in our effort to end homelessness, as the data gathered from this census shows us so much more than how many people are homeless in Santa Barbara County – we also learn more about who is homeless and why. The PIT Count presents a great opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges our homeless citizens face, hear personal stories from those experiencing homelessness, and demonstrate the compassion and generosity of our community!
What to expect:
We count rain or shine!
Volunteers will conduct surveys of people experiencing homelessness. Prior to the count, volunteers will select a preferred region and sign up as a group or individual participant. If you are signing up as part of a group, please have no more than 5 members per group. Each group member must select the same region and enter the SAME group name to ensure accurate placement.
Completion of an online PIT training is required for volunteers. The one-hour training includes information on how to engage vulnerable populations, basic information about the PIT Count and Homelessness in Santa Barbara County, and how to complete surveys via a mobile app. A link to this training will be made available in the new year. Online trainings are at varied days and times between January 16 – 20.
Much more information, FAQs, training resources, etc., will be provided at the training sessions. Thank you for your help in ensuring that every individual experiencing homelessness counts!
Register online at https://countyofsb.pointintime.info/.