Hear from a Cross-Section of Community Members and Provide Your Input
The City of Goleta invites the community to an important discussion regarding a county-wide effort to ensure affordable and reliable internet for all. Join us on May 16, at 5:30 p.m. at Goleta City Council Chambers (130 Cremona, Ste. B) and hear a presentation on a countywide Broadband Strategic Plan. You, along with a panel made up of a cross-section of stakeholders, will have the opportunity to provide input on the broadband needs of residents and businesses in Goleta. Spanish interpretation will be available.
Santa Barbara County Third District Supervisor Joan Hartmann will moderate the discussion and Mayor Paula Perotte will provide the opening remarks. Panelists are being confirmed and will be announced soon – stay tuned.
Mayor Paula Perotte said, “The COVID-19 pandemic really highlighted how many people do not have access to fast, reliable and affordable internet. I applaud the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments and allied agencies who are trying to change this. We are following the example of other communities that have instituted community wide broadband, resulting in high speed reliable and affordable internet access. This will help students, individuals, businesses and start-ups, even local government become more effective and productive.”
Santa Barbara County Association of Governments, working with the Broadband Consortium Pacific Coast, EconAlliance, REACH, regional economic development organizations, cities, the County and others, is producing the countywide broadband strategic plan in 2022 to help cities better understand the broadband internet needs such as speed and affordability for residents and businesses. Public meetings are being held across the county to share information about the project, foster participation in the broadband survey and speed test and to gather input from local communities.
Those unable to attend an in-person forum are encouraged to self-report their internet needs and take a speed test on a personal computer or laptop at home, work, or wherever they connect by May 31 at www.sbcag.org/broadband. The Broadband survey and speed test is available in English and Spanish.
Individuals can also identify areas with low or no service, or where access to the internet is unaffordable within this test. Those without internet access can call SBCAG at 1-805-961-8902 to report why they do not have internet access.
The information will be used to help understand internet availability and affordability countywide which will inform funding decisions for projects that can increase affordable access to high-performing internet with a goal to work toward digital inclusion.
We hope to see you on May 16. Learn more at http://www.sbcag.org/broadband.html.