The City of Goleta is now providing rental assistance funds through the Housing Authority of Santa Barbara County, to qualified City of Goleta residents financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g. job loss, reduction in wages, etc.). Upon application approval, applicants may receive up to $5,000 or up to 3 months of current and/or past-due rental expenses, whichever is less. Once approved, assistance payments to applicants will be paid directly to landlords.
- Must provide proof of residency in the City of Goleta
- Household income must be 80% or below the area median income (AMI)
- Must demonstrate loss of income related to COVID-19, with eligibility starting last year on March 13, 2020, and must provide:
- Documentation of past 2 months of income for the entire household
- Proof of lease or rental agreement
Additional documentation may be required during the review process. To apply, go to https://portal.neighborlysoftware.com/SANTABARBARACOUNTYCA/participant.
If you need assistance or have questions, contact the Housing Authority at 805-735-8351 or email Questions@hasbarco.org.