Santa Barbara County is seeking your feedback on parks, trails, open spaces, and recreational facilities through the Countywide Recreation Master Plan. To create a Recreation Master Plan that suits the needs of the entire community, the County is calling on its residents to fill out a brief survey. The survey takes minutes to complete and offers an opportunity for the public to address access to neighborhood parks and recreational facilities. There is also a kids’ survey meant to capture the needs of the County’s youngest residents.
While many cities and communities have created recreation master plans in the past, a Countywide plan will address needs in often-overlooked small or low-income communities. The Master Plan will include coordination and cooperation between the County, cities, agencies, and non-profit and private recreation service providers in Santa Barbara County.
The survey is just the first of many opportunities to get involved in the Recreation Master Plan. Check out the Recreation Master Plan website for project updates and upcoming public outreach events. Take the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sbcrecplan. [Link has now expired.]