The City of Goleta wants to warn residents that we are continuing to see Catalytic Converter thefts in the city. There were a number of these thefts from vehicle exhaust systems in the Goleta area in December and January.
The theft of catalytic converters is popular because they can be easily removed, they do not have identifying marks like serial numbers, and the components are made up of precious metals that can be resold to recyclers.
The Goleta Police Department recommends the following to help prevent these thefts:
- Park in well-lit areas when possible. If you have a garage, park your car inside with the door closed.
- Video surveillance around your garage or driveway is also useful.
- Install motion detection devices near parking areas.
- Install a catalytic converter protection device.
- Having the converter welded in place also makes it more difficult to remove.
- If you have a security system on your car, calibrate it so vibration sets it off. This ensures the alarm activates if a thief tries to saw off the converter.
- You can also engrave your VIN number onto your catalytic converter to make it easier to identify in case it is stolen and recovered by law enforcement.
If you see suspicious subjects in your neighborhood, please call Sheriff’s dispatch. For emergencies, call 9-1-1, and for non-emergencies, call (805) 683-2724.
The City of Goleta contracts with the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office for law enforcement services.