Santa Barbara County Parks is planning for the future of Goleta Beach County Park in relation to sea level rise (SLR), coastal erosion, and the potential need to redesign, relocate, or remove Park facilities due to SLR and storm-related projected increasing damage to the Park over the long-term. Public input is essential on these changes and will help influence future decisions.
On January 28, 2021, a public workshop was held virtually and was well attended. The project was introduced and followed by a Q&A session. The group discussed near-term and long-term options for Park planning that the County is considering. If you missed the workshop you can watch a recording here.
The Park plays an important role in recreational, environmental, and social equity values, as well as protection of essential local- and regional-serving utilities, State Route 217, regional access to UCSB, California Coastal Trail/Obern Regional Bike Path, and the Santa Barbara Airport.
The group is looking for more feedback. Please take the Goleta Beach Visitor Survey to provide input on coastal access and Park facilities you value most!
- English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GoletaBeachSurvey
- Spanish: https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/GoletaBeachEncuesta
Goleta Beach County Park