Pedestrian and bicyclist safety along Fairview Avenue near the US Highway 101 Intersection will soon improve following the completion of a project set to break ground on September 8, 2020.
The Fairview Avenue / US 101 Intersection Sidewalk Infill Project will construct new sidewalk to fill the sidewalk gap along the north side of S. Fairview Avenue leading to the signalized intersection at the northbound US 101 off-ramp. The project also includes reconstruction of existing sidewalk necessary to conform to the existing bicycle and pedestrian ramp connecting Fairview Avenue and Calle Real. The City secured Measure A grant funding for the project and is excited to start construction. The City awarded the project to Lash Construction, and MNS Engineers will be providing construction oversight for the City. The project is expected to take approximately one month to complete. A map showing the location of construction is provided.
City staff will be working with the contractor to minimize impacts to the public, however a lane closure for southbound traffic on S. Fairview Avenue and re-routing pedestrians will be needed in order to construct the project improvements. We appreciate your patience with the street and sidewalk disruption while we construct these improvements.
Goleta Public Works Director Charlie Ebeling said, “When the Sidewalk Infill Project is complete, the connectivity of sidewalk access will improve safety for the over 100 pedestrians and bicyclists per day traveling along Fairview Avenue. We are pleased the community will be able to enjoy the improvements for years to come.”
If you have any questions or would like additional information please contact City Construction Manager, Debbie Talarico at dtalarico@cityofgoleta.org.