The City of Goleta is very pleased to report that the California Coastal Commission (CCC) will consider the long-awaited Western Goleta Fire Station 10 project at their virtual video and teleconference meeting on September 10, 2020. CCC staff have recommended that the CCC approve the City’s Coastal Development Permit (CDP) application with special conditions. The meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. and can be watched on the Live Stream. View the application and summary of the staff recommendation in the agenda, found here: www.coastal.ca.gov/meetings/agenda/#/2020/9.
Upon learning the good news, Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte said, “We are thrilled to reach another big milestone in the development of Fire Station 10. This new station will help our fire department to provide significantly better response times for fire suppression and emergency medical assistance to areas of Western Goleta and beyond.”
Goleta’s Director of Neighborhood Services & Public Safety, Vyto Adomaitis added, “Fire Station 10 is an important public safety facility that will greatly benefit the residents of Goleta and enhance the levels of fire protection for our community. We are extremely pleased with this news and look forward to the continued collaborative work with Coastal Commission staff to reach approval of the City’s CDP application.”
Following CDP approval, construction documents for Fire Station 10 will be finalized for City Council authorization to go out to bid.
The Fire Station 10 project consists of the design and construction of a new three-bay, single-story fire station, approximately 11,600 square feet in size, with associated landscaping and appurtenant facilities on a City-owned parcel located at 7952 Hollister Avenue, across from the Sandpiper Golf Course. It has long been documented that fire service in Western Goleta does not meet the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines for emergency response time and population to firefighter ratio. A new fire station is needed in Western Goleta to provide adequate fire protection services.
The Goleta City Council approved the project in December 2018. However, because the subject site is in the Coastal Zone, a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) issued by the California Coastal Commission is required. The City submitted a CDP application in January 2019, and after completing additional studies requested by CCC staff, the City learned in February 2020 that the CDP application has been deemed complete.
Learn more about the Fire Station 10 Project here: http://tinyurl.com/GoletaFS10.
Pictured: Rendering of Fire Station 10