Watch Back-In Angled Parking Video
The Hollister Avenue Old Town Interim Striping Project is nearing completion and is expected to wrap up this month. Remaining tasks include the installation of 90-minute parking signs, back-in only signs, and a lane separation system. We appreciate your patience during traffic delays during construction. Information about anticipated traffic impacts can be found on the project webpage: www.CityofGoleta/ProjectConnect.
As part of the project, a total of 53 back-in parking spots were installed on the north side of Hollister Avenue. This created 15 more parking spots in Old Town on this side of the street. We know back-in angled parking is new to Goleta. Watch this short tutorial for some helpful tips.
- Watch video in English with Councilmember James Kyriaco at youtu.be/FQdqpC6CLpo
- Watch video in Spanish with Spanish Engagement Specialist Marcos Martinez at youtu.be/A_JEziowIc4
The Hollister Avenue Old Town Interim Striping Project is part of Project Connect, a multi-year project that includes the installation of two roundabouts on Hollister Avenue at the State Route 217 ramp intersections, which are scheduled to be completed in late 2026. An additional roundabout will be constructed at the Ekwill Street at Pine Avenue intersection, which is anticipated to be completed in 2025.
The Hollister Avenue construction site is a focal point for much of the Project Connect work, as it is the only road that crosses San Jose Creek south of the freeway and serves as the main crossing point for most utilities.
The Ekwill Street Extension, which will run from Kellogg Avenue to Fairview Avenue across Old Town Goleta, will relieve regional congestion, enhance bicycle and pedestrian circulation, and improve access to the airport. The extension is anticipated to be constructed in 2025. For information on the project, click here.
Watch tutorial in English here.
Watch tutorial in Spanish here.