The City of Goleta is one step closer to adopting our first-ever Homelessness Strategic Plan. On July 22, 2020 City staff brought a full draft of the Plan before the newly-formed Homelessness Issues Standing Committee. The Committee reviewed the draft Plan, particularly providing input on the goals, objectives, and timeline for Goleta’s homelessness efforts. Once adopted, the document will help guide and coordinate efforts to prevent and address homelessness within the City of Goleta. Prior to going before the Committee, the draft Plan was reviewed by a variety of internal City staff and multiple outside agencies and partners.
The strategic planning process began in 2019 with partner meetings and data gathering. Community involvement has been essential since the beginning. In addition to public meetings, the City released a survey in December of 2019 to directly hear from those with input on homelessness in our region. Staff received input from residents, businesses, service providers, and those who are or who have experienced homelessness. In addition, staff have held stakeholder meetings, best practices discussions with communities nationwide, and held a Community Open House and information session.
City Council and staff believe having a strategic plan will provide important direction and clarity around needs, service gaps, and priorities in order to make effective and strategic funding decisions that serve both the existing homeless population, as well as those at risk of becoming homeless. The plan is expected to go before Council in September with the goal of being adopted by fall of 2020. The Homelessness Strategic Plan will help guide and coordinate efforts to prevent and address homelessness within the City of Goleta and help the City prioritize its efforts related to homelessness, essential when resources are limited.
The City team continue to be grateful for the public’s input and interest in this important effort. Learn more, review the draft Plan and keep up to date on opportunities for public review and input at https://tinyurl.com/GoletaHomelessnessPlan.
Pictured: Community meeting on homelessness