The City of Goleta performed emergency tree trimming in mid-July at two public open spaces located in the Santa Barbara Shores neighborhood. The work involved trimming downed trees blocking a public trail and reducing tree fall risk and associated damage to life and private property. The specific work and locations included:
- Trimming three trees blocking the trail leading west from the end of Coronado Drive
- Trimming 21 trees at Campus Glen Open Space, located near the end of Coronado Drive
- Trimming 16 trees at Santa Barbara Shores Open Space, located between Newport Drive and Santa Barbara Shores Drive/Sea Gull Drive
Work was completed from July 14-21. Thank you to everyone for your patience as the City completed this important public safety improvement.
The work was authorized by emergency permits from the City of Goleta and the California Coastal Commission. Wildlife surveys were completed and no nesting birds or other protected, sensitive resources were found. A biologist also monitored the tree trimming work and no impacts to wildlife were observed.
Questions or concerns about this emergency work can be directed to: George Thomson, Parks and Open Space Manager, at 805-961-7578 or gthomson@cityofgoleta.org.
Pictured: Cleared trail leading west from the end of Coronado Drive (before and after photos)