Having just wrapped up Phase 3, out of 5 Phases total, the Old Town Sidewalk Project is now more than half-way complete, and is ahead of the original schedule. The contractor, Toro Construction, has now moved into Phase 4 of the work, which includes construction of sidewalks on Pine Avenue, a portion of Tecolote Avenue, Nectarine Avenue, and the remaining segment on Orange Avenue. Utility relocations and upgrades are also being performed in some areas, so you may see utility work underway in the project areas as well.
Phase 4 work will be underway through July, and then Phase 5 segments will start late July or early August. Phase 5 sidewalk improvements will include the rest of Tecolote and Nectarine Avenues, completing the sidewalk segments north of Hollister Avenue.
After the concrete sidewalk installation is complete through all the 5 Phases, the roadway segments in each of the areas will be finished with a new asphalt overlay surface throughout the project. This final asphalt surface work will likely come in late August, with final striping and finishing touches estimated to wrap up in September.
Feedback from the neighbors in the completed areas has been very positive, and the new sidewalks and access ramps are already getting plenty of use! Learn more about the Old Town Sidewalk Project at https://tinyurl.com/GoletaOTSW.
The 9031 Old Town Sidewalk Improvement project includes constructing sidewalk on at least one side of each street north of Hollister Avenue between South Fairview Avenue and Mallard Avenue as well as on Pine Avenue south of Hollister Avenue. The new sidewalks will connect to existing sidewalk providing a continuous path of travel. There will also be drainage improvements, tree replacements, repaving, and the construction of 39 back-in angled parking spots on Magnolia Avenue (for a net increase of approximately 17 new parking spots). Watch this video to learn more about the project.
When this project is done, the safety improvements, livability and ability to recreate in Old Town will change dramatically. We are pleased the community will be able to enjoy the improvements for years to come.