The City is looking forward to having a new full-service Train Depot in Goleta, replacing the current Amtrak platform on South La Patera Lane. The community has made their individual voices heard on the project with more than 1,100 people completing the survey indicating which aspects of the three designs (“Schooner,” “Traditional,” and “Sunrise”) they like best. In addition, approximately 30 people attended the community meeting via Zoom with City staff and consultants to learn more about the project and ask questions. We know the community is curious about the results, and they will be announced at an upcoming City Council meeting, along with feedback from the community meeting and other comments received.
For further information regarding this project, please contact Mr. Jaime Valdez, Principal Project Manager, at 805-961-7568 or jvaldez@cityofgoleta.org. Learn more about the Goleta Train Depot at https://tinyurl.com/GoletaTrainDepot.