While we are lucky to live in such beautiful place, we also live where there is the potential for wildfires, mudslides, earthquakes and Public Safety Power Shutoffs. It’s important to remember an emergency can happen at any time. A perfect example of that was during the month of October when we had a brush fire burn in the El Capitan Canyon area in close proximity to Goleta. We were also under consideration for a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS). While both of these scenarios did not ultimately impact Goleta, emergencies can and will effect us. It’s imperative that you are signed up for emergency information from the City AND County alerts. Please go ahead and do so now if you are not already signed up. Make sure your friends and family are signed up as well. You can also follow the City on Facebook (@CityofGoleta) and Twitter (@GoletaPIO) for information during emergencies as it becomes available.
Photo: El Capitan Canyon Fire by Mike Eliason