The City of Goleta’s Old Town Sidewalk Improvement Project is nearing the construction phase. The project will improve the way pedestrians get around parts of Old Town by providing a network of sidewalks on at least one side of neighborhood streets north of Hollister Avenue between South Fairview and Kinman Avenues as well as along Pine Avenue south of Hollister Avenue. The project also includes storm water drainage improvements and 39 angled parking spaces on the east side of Magnolia Avenue between Mandarin Drive and the railroad tracks.
The City held many community workshops and public meetings between 2017 and 2019; staff also walked the affected streets speaking with residents and handing out information. We are excited to begin construction in the near future, below is the upcoming schedule:
- Bids will be presented to City Council for award this winter
- Construction to begin in February/March 2020 and extend through November 2020
- Owners & residents shall be notified of schedule in advance of work on their block/street
For more information, please visit the project page or contact James Winslow, Sr. Project Engineer at 805-961-7577 or jwinslow@cityofgoleta.org.