Request a CDE Course for Groups of 10+
A group of Goleta residents now know more about how to prepare their homes and workplaces for a disaster after attending the City’s free open house Community Disaster Education (CDE) course on July 26th at Goleta City Hall.
Emergency Services Coordinator Michael Baris led the class of about a dozen participants and provided information on what to expect when an emergency occurs. He said, “While you can’t predict when and where an emergency happens, you can take measures to better prepare yourself, your home, business, and neighborhood in emergency situations. Remember: when disaster strikes, the time to prepare has passed. Don’t be caught off guard!”
If you missed it, don’t worry, CDE courses from the City of Goleta can be requested by groups of ten or more, in both English and Spanish. A CDE can be held anywhere and during most hours; a lunch break, after hours at a Homeowners Association (HOA) meeting, or even at a weekend community gathering.
There are a limited number of pre-scheduled CDE courses available each month, To request a CDE course for your group, complete the form at www.CityofGoleta.org/CDE. For any additional questions regarding CDEs, please send an email to CERT@cityofgoleta.org.