As a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) recipient, the City of Goleta receives federal funding each year to allocate towards capital improvements that benefit low- to moderate-income Goleta residents and social service agencies who provide needed services to Goleta’s low- to moderate-income youth, families, seniors, and those experiencing homelessness. In order to comply with federal regulations for these funds, the City must craft a Consolidated Plan every five years. The City of Goleta’s current five-year plan ends this year and a new plan will be approved in spring of 2020.
In order to ensure the updated plan is representative of the community’s needs and desires, City staff are seeking your input on Goleta’s 2020 – 2024 Consolidated Plan and the current state of housing and community needs. Come to a public meeting to gather community and stakeholder input on Thursday, November 21st from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. at Goleta City Hall Council Chambers (130 Cremona Drive, Suite B).
We are eager to involve the public in this process. For more information, please contact Dominique Samario at (805) 690-5126 or dsamario@cityofgoleta.org. You can also visit https://tinyurl.com/GoletaCDBG for additional details about the City’s Community Development Block Grant program.
Photo: CDBG Grantee United Boys & Girls Club of Santa Barbara County