With the holiday season in full swing, keep yourself and your loved ones safe and healthy by following these timely tips from your County public safety and health officials.
Fire safety is a year-round responsibility. Stay aware during these next few festive weeks by doing the following:
- When purchasing a live tree, look for signs of freshness. A fresh tree is green, the needles will be difficult to pull from branches and a minimum number of needles should fall off.
- To keep your tree fresh, cut off about two inches of the trunk to expose fresh wood for better water absorption, and check the water level daily. Keep the tree stand filled with water at all times.
- When placing your tree in your home, make sure it is kept away from heat sources like fireplaces or heater vents.
- Make sure no exits are blocked by the tree.
- Check your lights before placing them on your tree. Look for worn or frayed wires and broken bulbs.
- When you leave your home or go to sleep at night, turn off the lights on the tree.
- Check your smoke detectors to ensure they are working properly and establish a residential emergency exit plan.
The holiday season is a cheerful time of year, but it’s also a time when busy people can become vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime. Here are a few tips to help you this holiday season:
- Track packages online so you know when to expect your deliveries. Sign-up for email notifications to alert you when your package ships, is in transit and delivered.
- Try to be home when packages are delivered or have a friend/family member get your packages for you.
- Use drobox/locker locations to receive packages if you know you won’t be home.
- While shopping, always be aware of your surroundings when approaching and leaving your vehicle.
- Place all purchased items in the trunk or out of view and be sure to lock your car.
Protect yourself and others this holiday season by celebrating in ways that limit the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses. Find updated vaccines at your pharmacy, health care provider, or by visiting: https://www.vaccines.gov/.
- Get vaccinated or boosted for COVID-19 and the flu.
- Consider wearing a high-quality mask in crowded spaces.
- If you test positive for COVID-19 and are at high-risk for complications, contact your doctor to receive treatment. Stay home if you’re sick and avoid close contact with others.
- Don’t forget the basics: Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds and be sure to cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow, arm or tissue.
Traveling this winter?
Cold and wet weather conditions may affect your travel plans as you drive around the state and beyond. Be prepared by packing an emergency car kit when traveling. If you cannot get to your destination due to your vehicle being stranded or trapped, stay with your vehicle and wait for help.