Deadline to Apply is August 13th
Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) is looking to fill two vacancies on the Measure A Citizens’ Oversight Committee. The committee provides important accountability for the expenditure of $1.6 billion in Measure A transportation sales tax funds through 2040. The measure supports voter-mandated, high priority transportation projects and programs throughout Santa Barbara County.
Individuals interested the exciting community leadership opportunity can apply easily online at https://bit.ly/46I12Yd. Applications for the open positions must be completed by Sunday, August 13.
People who serve on the Measure A Citizens’ Oversight Committee are a part of regional transportation efforts to relieve traffic congestion and improve public safety. Those who represent diverse transportation, geographic, social, cultural, and economic interests in the county are encouraged to apply.
The Measure A Citizens’ Oversight Committee is comprised of 11 community leaders who represent North County, South Coast and the region “at-large.”
One vacancy must be filled by an individual who can represent Santa Barbara County as a region as an “at-large” member.
The other vacancy is a South Coast representative and must be filled by a resident of the incorporated cities of Carpinteria, Goleta, Santa Barbara, or the unincorporated communities of Isla Vista, Eastern Goleta Valley, Mission Canyon, Montecito, Summerland, and Toro Canyon.
Appointed members serve four-year terms and can be reappointed to additional terms at the discretion of the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments Board of Directors. The Committee conducts meetings one to three times a year and annually submits comments to the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments Board of Directors on whether the provisions, requirements, and voter mandates as outlined by the Measure A Investment Plan and Ordinance have been properly carried out.
Voters approved a slate of projects and programs for Measure A in November 2008. Spending is divided into three categories: 13.4 percent to relieve traffic congestion and improve safety on U.S. Highway 101 in the South Coast and 43.3 percent each for North County and South Coast for high priority transportation projects including local street improvements, increasing transportation opportunities for transit dependent residents including the elderly and disabled, building safer walking and bike routes to school and providing increased opportunities for carpool and vanpool programs.
Santa Barbara County Association of Governments administers Measure A according to strict accountability provisions including annual independent financial audits and public review of expenditures by the Measure A Citizen’s Oversight Committee.
Those interested in applying must do so online at https://bit.ly/46I12Yd by Sunday, August 13. Any questions about the application process or the role of Measure A Citizens Oversight Committee can be directed to info@sbcag.org or by phone at (805) 961-8900.
The public can visit www.measurea.net to learn more about Measure A transportation projects and programs and benefits for residents in the region or visit https://bit.ly/3Ukc3ZD to download the 2022 Annual Report.
Measure A, Santa Barbara County’s local transportation half cent sales tax measure, was approved by 79% of Santa Barbara County voters in November 2008. The sales tax collection totaled $53.9 million in Fiscal Year 2021/22, up 16% over the prior fiscal year. Measure A is projected to collect $1.6 billion through 2040. Since 2008, $11.5 million has been distributed for 104 regional bicycle, pedestrian and safe routes to school projects countywide. $65 million has been collected thus far for nine transit agencies for new buses, reduced fares for the elderly and disabled, and operating costs. More than 114 employers and 4,930 employees participated in programs that support alternative commute travel choices helping to reduce 1.9 million car trips.