Help Shape Goleta’s Next 20 Years

Take our Survey

The City of Goleta recently celebrated its 20th birthday on February 1, 2022. As we reflect on our first 20 years of cityhood and look to the next 20, we have much to celebrate. Our beautiful city is home to 32,000 residents and a vibrant business community. Goleta is an award-winning safe, and active community with a high quality of life. Excellent schools, beautiful parks, bountiful open spaces, and distinct neighborhoods help define the character of Goleta, the Good Land.

Looking to the next twenty years and beyond, we see opportunities as well as challenges. As our City strives to continue supporting the quality of life our community expects, we are also evaluating the current and future resources needed to protect public safety, maintain and repair streets, improve traffic safety, prepare for emergencies, support our entrepreneurs and business environment, preserve open space, and keep our neighborhoods and parks clean and safe. With our unwavering commitment to fiscal responsibility and the possibility for revenue-enhancing opportunities, we are confident we can meet future challenges. 

Join the Conversation
We welcome your feedback and questions as the City sets its future priorities. You should have already received a mailer with a survey you can fill out and return. The survey is also available to take online in English or in Spanish. For more information, please visit or for information in Spanish.

Happy 20th, Goleta!