You are the eyes and ears of Goleta. If you see a problem or concern out in the community, you can report it to us through our online tool, City Assist. Types of problems or concerns include abandoned vehicles, broken or fallen tree limbs, elevated sidewalks, construction work without permit, and many more. By using City Assist, the City is able to track the most common problems and concerns and make sure everyone receives a response.
You may not know this, but the City is fortunate to have a staff member who is dedicated to making sure that your request or concern is handled appropriately. Shanna Dawson in the Neighborhood Services and Public Safety Department oversees City Assist. She reviews requests as they come in, ensures that they are routed to the correct department and staff person, and monitors the length of time it takes to close a case. City Assist is monitored Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and is constantly evolving to meet the City’s needs. A new request type of “COVID-19” was created to allow citizens to report non-compliance with masks or social distancing, ask questions about opening certain businesses or recreational facilities, and to communicate with our City Council on suggestions for a safe transition to opening back up. Submit a problem or concern to City Assist at https://tinyurl.com/GoletaCityAssist.
Shanna was hired by the City in 2019 to take on this first-time position. The City created the position to ensure that its residents are receiving timely responses to concerns and questions. Shanna comes to Goleta from Texas and is doing a great job for us. Be sure and say thanks to Shanna if you get a chance in your City Assist correspondence.
Pictured: Shanna Dawson, who manages City Assist