Old Town Park Design Needs Community Input

A preliminary design for the park in Old Town near the corner of Hollister and Kellogg Avenues was presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission earlier this year. Although significant progress has been made in preparing the necessary construction documents for the park, the process has been delayed as a result of the Stage 2 Water Shortage Emergency Declaration.

Because the park site has historic water use, it is not subject to the moratorium.  However the future use cannot exceed its historical use. The current park design would exceed the water use allowance, and as a result, some changes to the park’s design and landscaping will be necessary to bring the project under the established water allotment. The City’s landscape architecture consultant, Van Atta Associates, is working on some options for reducing the park’s water demands with the goal of keeping the major recreational functions intact.

A great deal of public input has also gone into the existing park design. In addition to the public’s desired amenities, some design related commitments were made in association with the a Prop 84 Grant awarded to the City for the park’s construction; which include, a  provision of the multi-purpose field, a picnic area, restrooms, a small parking area and playground, all of which were highly desired by the public.

City staff is again inviting the public to attend a workshop in order to gain community feedback on alternative designs that would maintain the essence of the existing design and its amenities. The goal is to make changes that would result in the necessary reductions in water demand of the proposed park. Possible options under consideration would include reducing the size of the multi-use turf playing field, an increase in the size of the skateboard plaza, and any other increased hardscape areas for active play.

The public is welcome to attend the Old Town Park workshop on January 14 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Goleta Valley Community Center, light refreshments will be served.

For more information on the project and to sign up for updates, please visit the City’s website.