Information provided courtesy of Goleta Water District.
December has been a wet month throughout the region and it’s exciting to see some of the first winter rainfall. While the recent rains have moistened the ground considerably, the drought conditions persist. Lake Cachuma remains at historic lows, and the Stage II Water Shortage Emergency and mandatory water use restrictions are still in effect. Saving water over the next few months is critical to delaying a Stage III Water Shortage Emergency.
Looking for ways to save water when it rains? Turn off your sprinklers when rain is in the forecast and don’t water until the ground dries out, which is usually a week after the last rain. With cooler winter temperatures plants need less water so remember to adjust your irrigation controller according to the watering calculator available at waterwisesb.org.
You can also visit the District’s new Edible Garden which utilizes a rain barrel, sustainable drainage and rain catchment technologies, and infiltration ponds to learn more about how to use rainwater for irrigation. The District Demonstration Gardens are open to the public during regular business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. For water saving tips follow the Goleta Water District on Facebook and Twitter.
Remember that outdoor watering with fixed irrigation systems remains limited to before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays for Residential customers, and Tuesdays and Fridays for Businesses. Manual watering (including a sprinkler attached to a hose) is allowed before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. on no more than two days per week. All hoses must have a shut-off nozzle. Don’t forget to check your sprinklers for leaks or overwatering as irrigation resulting in runoff is prohibited.
Finally, a big thanks to water thrifty Goleta Water District customers who met conservation targets in December!