National Preparedness Month (NPM) is right around the corner! This September’s theme is “Be Disaster Aware, Take Action to Prepare”. We are gearing up to bring emergency preparedness information and training to our Goleta community!
Please join us for events this September to learn more about Emergency Preparedness!
September 2, 2014 – City Council Proclamation
The Goleta City Council will officially proclaim September as “Emergency Preparedness Month” at the City Council meeting at 1:30 PM.
September 11, 2014 –Emergency Preparedness Education presentation for Seniors at Encina Royale
(In partnership with the American Red Cross)
Residents at Encina Royale will receive a presentation from the City and the American Red Cross on Emergency Preparedness. If your group is interested in receiving a presentation, contact Luz to schedule one!
September 20, 2014– Goleta Prepare Now at Lemon Festival Safety Street
Stop by the Goleta Prepare Now table at Safety Street to learn more about the program, sign up for the newsletter, and pick up some informational material.
September 27, 2014 – Santa Barbara County CERT Exercise
CERTs from around Santa Barbara County are invited to participate in this educational and engaging event! The exercise this year will be a great opportunity for CERT graduates to practice skills they’ve learned, challenge themselves to learn new skills and work alongside other dedicated CERTs.
Saturday, September 27th
10 AM – 3:30 PM
Lompoc Public Safety Training Facility
1 Hancock Drive
If you would like more information about this training or to register, contact Luz.
For information about any of the September Emergency Preparedness activities, please contact Luz Reyes-Martin at 805-961-7558 or at lreyesmartin@cityofgoleta.org.