The City of Goleta hosted the first Spanish CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) train-the trainer session this summer. This was the first-ever Spanish CERT train-the-trainer in California and the first in the nation. After the three-day training, 38 participants received Spanish CERT instructor certification.
Having more available instructors will allow for more Spanish CERT classes to be taught countywide. We now have a larger pool of instructors that can teach Spanish CERT in Goleta. As a result, more City residents will:
• Become knowledgeable on the risks facing the community
• Learn how to provide basic first aid and medical triage
• Practice how to put out small fires
• Learn how to conduct light search and rescue
• And understand team organization techniques
The availability of a higher number of CERT volunteers will increase community safety by having more of the population prepared for times of emergency and disaster.
If you would like to learn more about Goleta CERT, please contact Luz Reyes-Martin at lreyesmartin@cityofgoleta.org . To register for updates on our CERT program, visit: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CAGOLETA/subscriber/new