Celebrating Literacy at Goleta Valley Library
The Goleta Valley Library held a 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten graduation party on Saturday, February 25th, to recognize the wonderful accomplishment of the young readers who finished reading (and being read to) 1,000 books before they entered kindergarten. More than 60 people attended the party, which was complete with a special storytime of I Am Invited to a Party! by Mo Willems, a certificate ceremony, a bubble dance party, and a magical balloon drop finale! After the party, families who were new to the program had a chance to register their children and pick up their first reading log to get started. The next party will be held on September 23, 2023, at 11:00 a.m.
Readers who had completed the program received a special goody bag that contained books provided by the Friends of the Goleta Valley Library, who received a grant from First 5 Santa Barbara County to provide new hardbound books for the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program. We extend our sincerest thanks to the Friends of the Goleta Valley Library and First 5 Santa Barbara County for their support of our readers.
About the Program
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is an early literacy program popular at libraries across the country. It encourages parents and caregivers to read to their children, which helps prepare them for school readiness and lifelong success by building a strong foundation for later reading and writing.
At the Goleta & Santa Ynez Valley Libraries, the program is open to all families whose children are below kindergarten age. To get started, stop by the library to pick up your first reading log. As you read to your child, mark off a circle for each book you read. You can mark off a circle for each time you read the same book, too, as repetition is an important part of learning to read. When you’re finished, you and your child can bring the completed log back to the library to receive a prize and your next reading log!
Once you have completed all ten logs and read 1,000 books, we will contact you with an invitation to our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten graduation party.
The friendly librarians at the Goleta & Santa Ynez Valley Libraries are excited to offer this program to support literacy in the community. Logs are available in English and Spanish at the Goleta Valley Library, Isla Vista Bookvan, Buellton Library, and Solvang Library. Stop by your local branch and ask for your first log at the front desk. To pick up your reading log at the Goleta Valley Library Bookvan, please check the Bookvan page of our website for hours and locations.
Program materials and prizes at Goleta Valley Library are generously sponsored by the Friends of the Goleta Valley Library. To learn more or to become a Friend, visit https://www.friendsofthegoletavalleylibrary.org/.
Prizes at Solvang Library are sponsored by the Friends of the Library of Santa Ynez Valley. To learn more or become a Friend, go to: https://friendssyvlibrary.org/.