Creek Week is an annual celebration of our creeks, watersheds, and the ocean, with many organizations hosting events to help build awareness and stewardship of the natural treasures of Santa Barbara, Goleta, and Carpinteria. This year Creek Week is September 17 – 24.
Stay tuned for more Goleta Creek Week activities closer to Creek Week. The City of Goleta’s Environmental Services Division is planning an art contest in partnership with the Goleta Valley Library, launching a Creek self-guided tour app, and hosting a bulky items collection event. Details to be announced soon.
Upcoming Events for SB Creek Week 2022:
- Coastal Cleanup Day: Saturday, September 17th, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Help clean your favorite beach! Learn more and sign up to participate at www.ExploreEcology.org/CCD. If you are unable to make it, clean up your neighborhood, favorite park, trail, or beach anytime throughout September. Don’t forget to collect and submit cleanup data on the Clean Swell app!
- San Jose Creek Cleanup with the Environmental Defense Center: Saturday, September 17th, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.at Berkeley Rd & Merida Dr
Join the Environmental Defense Center for a cleanup of San Jose Creek. Meet at the Berkeley Road Footbridge at 10:00 a.m. Bags and gloves will be provided. Masked are encouraged. Contact Brian Trautwein at BTrautwein@EnvironmentalDefenseCenter.org for more information or to RSVP.
- Andrée Clark Bird Refuge Restoration Tour: Wednesday, September 21st, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.at the Andrée Clark Bird Refuge, 34a Los Patos Way, Santa Barbara
Join the City of Santa Barbara Creeks Division for a tour of our Andrée Clark Bird Refuge Restoration Project. The City’s Creeks Advisory Committee will be attending a site visit to view the restoration project’s progress and learn more about efforts to improve water quality and wildlife habitat. Meet at the Bird Refuge beach parking area on Los Patos Way. Please RSVP to Liz Smith at (805) 897-2606 or LSmith@SantaBarbaraCA.gov.
- Land Shark Tour with the City of Santa Barbara Creeks Division: Saturday, September 24th, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Details TBA
- Walking Tour of the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve: Saturday, September 24th, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.Details TBA
For a full list of activities please visit www.sbcreekweek.com, and remember to check back for new events.