One of Goleta’s favorite events is almost here. Fiesta Ranchera is on Thursday, June 16 from 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. at the Rancho La Patera & Stow House (304 N. Los Carneros Road). This treasured event is a chance to experience Fiesta in Goleta and is a collaboration between Old Spanish Days and the Goleta Valley Historical Society. Come see performances by the Spirit of Fiesta, Junior Spirit, and local entertainers. There will also be delicious food and beverages. The Goleta City Council will issue a proclamation at its June 7 City Council meeting declaring June 16, 2022, as “Fiesta Ranchera Day.” Council will also give Certificates of Recognition to the Spirit of Fiesta, Tara Mata, and the Junior Spirit of Fiesta, Layla Gocong. You will love seeing these talented dancers perform. Mark your calendars for June 7 and June 16 to see them dance in Goleta.
Spirit of Fiesta Tata Mata, photo courtesy of Fritz Olenberger
Junior Spirit of Fiesta Layla Gocong, photo courtesy of Fritz Olenberger