We’ve been reiterating the importance of being prepared for an emergency. Here is information from Santa Barbara County that we wanted to share with you as well.
Listed here are important preparedness tips BEORE an emergency or disaster occurs:
- Register for Santa Barbara County alerts at www.AwareandPrepare.org.
- Potential Threats – Learn what disasters are likely to occur or have occurred in your area.
- Locate Community Resources – Identify how authorities will notify you during a disaster, such as Aware and Prepare alerts, reverse 9-11, media reports and County resources listed below. In the middle of the night it might be door-to-door, or PA System announcements and sirens from Sheriff and Fire.
- Plan Escape Routes – Identify two ways to escape from every room and PRACTICE. Map and plan evacuation routes and a family meeting point.
- Establish a Communication Plan – Plan how you will contact family members, especially children, seniors and those with accessibility needs; think about different ways to communicate and PRACTICE.
- Make an Emergency Kit – Check with your local Office of Emergency Services or go to www.Ready.gov.
- Maintain your Disaster Supply Kit.
- Make Emergency Contact Cards – Keep the cards handy in a wallet, purse, backpack, etc., and include a list of medications and immunizations.
- Make Copies of Important Papers – Keep important papers in a safety deposit box or with someone you trust.
- Plan for Your Pet – Keep a phone list of pet-friendly hotels/motels, veterinarians and animal shelters.
DURING a wildfire, flood, earthquake, oil spill, tsunami or any other disaster, get information and updates at www.CountyofSB.org, CSB TV Channel 20, @CountyofSB on Twitter and FaceBook, or call 2-1-1 in the 805 area code or toll free (800) 400-1572.